Links Worthy of Your Attention

Or atleast your consideration...

Here are some places we frequently visit on the internet. Let me know if you'd like me to place your website here, or if you know of any other worthy websites. Also, I switched computers a little while after I started building my website, so I lost the bookmarks for a lot of websites. If you see something that needs to be credited, please let me know through my guestbook. Thanks!

Delphi Forums
Here's a great place to meet people, play games, and find signatures. It's free to join, and there are hundreds of different forums to participate in. My favorites include:
USA Honor--a forum for military wives and friends
Signature Wonderland--they have beautiful signatures here
Signature World--a place to ask for customized e-mail signatures
Signature Dollz--forum where you can request free personalized cartoon dolls
Graphx Anonymous-absolute wonderful signatures
I know I've left some forums out. Please bear with me at the moment. I shall be adding more soon...
Duane's Website
Wanna know more about my husband's family? I tried to dedicate a page to them on my website, but he's the youngest of 10 kids. Wow! That's a lot of information for one page, so I decided to give him his own website. Each of his siblings has a page for him/herself. It's a work in progress, so check back every now and then to see how it turns out!

United States Air Force Crossroads
Here's an informative website for everything you ever wanted to know about the Air Force. There's information on each and every U.S. Air Force base in the world, along with e-mail addresses of people who can answer all your questions. Wanna know a little more about Mildenhall? Or how's the weather in Kadena? You can find all this and more at the AF Crossroads.
Iconian Fonts
Want to download some cool fonts to enhance your website? There are a lot of people out there creating fonts more than worthy of your website. The cool part? Most of them are free and only require a simple thank you note in exchange for use. Definitely check it out...